Archive for March, 2013


How then shall we crack the circumcised Kikuyu’s dread
Of eating omena?
Erase the yuck off his disgusted face
As the wide-nosed Luo munches gawking dagaa?
Blindfold all omena?
But wait, money must yet be made in trade,
Kibuye’s omena on atwara’s pick-up
Seducing women’s shillings from cleavages of boobs and rolls of lesso.

“Size! Size! Size!”
Kibuye market’s refrain chanted in ganja tones from chang’aa vocals,
Calling omena sizes, boob sizes and wallet sizes.
Here, Luo stomachs and Kikuyu wallets are breast-twins,
Stashing poor and rich notes in Sunil’s bank.
Then twilight, and
Kibuye packs its riddles to await tomorrow’s twists.
But does Kibuye?
Twilight, and Sunil banks Kibuye’s sizes where Olusegun Obasanjo must have supped on nyuk agwata.

Maybe the loaded Kikuyu should have left,
Never sat past twilight for Sunil’s koroga and spent a ka-one-fifty of the Old Money
On Kibaki’s White Cap and Jah’Luo’s Ohangla numbers.
Then Benga. Rhumba. Nyatiti and omena laughters.
Pity wandering trader: Kitendawili was never a drunk’s plaything really –
Riddles of the kanyo-kanyo beats that summon Kibuye’s dancers,
X-ray-eyed orchestra of pickpocket waist wigglers
Inviting Okuyus and Odieros and Omeras to watch their shillings spank tantalizing behinds.
Hail Adhiambo Sianda, priestess of hypnosis.

It gets done atwara of the colored teeth, it gets done.
Not any mji offered cracks the riddle of omena in blindfolds.
And Kibuye’s money never goes too far from Kibuye.
No Sunil.
Not even with kuber at twilight.