Archive for September 5th, 2011


Uhuru Park, Central Nairobi, 10:30 a.m.
A pack of blood gods file up the mighty throne,
Satisfied with the human blood and flesh they broke fast on.

These engorged gods assume the red seats
– First one vampire, then another –
And lo, they declare a truce
A return to calm: vampire peace.

Now, as they pack back their fangs in belching triumph
These smiling cannibals persuade me to return
To ‘my’ razed Naivasha
To ‘my’ razed Kiambaa
To live again
To live dead


The gods’ oracle receives me back
He that was my neighbor. He that was my friend.
My neighbor,
My friend,
He extends his oracle hand for a karibu shake
But then I see:

His index finger that pointed me out for the gods’ dish;
His middle finger that mocked my terrified pleas;
His eager thumb that gave the neck-butchering go-ahead;
His bloody fingers that flashed the victory salute.

My neighbor, the oracle, he clasps my hand
And though his handshake be firm and his smile be warm,
I see through him a twisted heart –
A dark heart dyed in the tin gods’ colors.

My friend, he shakes me: Welcome. Shakes me: Welcome back.
I just shake back: Well. I just shake back: Well.

For only the ignorant visitor will not know
That again, five seasons hence
This grim neighbor will burn human sacrifice
Lay an altar and fill a chalice for Draculas gone hungrily berserk.

3:30 p.m. Uhuru Park, Central Nairobi.
The blood god’s oracle returns home
To ‘his’ purified Naivasha
To ‘his’ cleansed Kiambaa
To live neighborless
To live friendless
To live peaceless